Operetta 2024
‘Die Fledermaus’
28 June to 6 July
20:30 - 23:30 each evening
The stately home’s little opera
The Schlossfestival in Liechtenstein Castle Wilfersdorf
The Schlossfestival is the event highlight of the year at the stately home of the Liechtenstein House in Wilfersdorf. Numerous visitors enjoy experiencing a wonderfully staged little opera and a very special evening here in the open air and in front of the princely grand? backdrop of the castle.
Since 2014 the cultural cooperation has been organizing the "Schlossfestival Wilfersdorf" - an amalgamation of the cultural association, the market town and the Musikverein Wilfersdorf - a performance of an operetta little opera in summer. So far the productions have included Maske in Blau in 2014, die Frühjahrsparade in 2015, Großherzogin von Gerolstein in 2016, Die Gigerln von Wien in 2017, Sissy in 2018 and Auf der grünen Wiese in 2019
More information at www.schlossfestival.at
or facebook.com/schlossfestival
Advance ticket sales: Wilfersdorf-Council (Tel. 02573 / 2366-0) via mail to ticket@schlossfestival.at or at www.eventjet.at.